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Islenos Families |
Leal |
Curbelo |
De Los Santos |
Padrón |
de Niz & Rodriguez |
Travieso |
Salvador Rodriguez |
Arocha |
Delgado |
Cabrera |
Granado |
Perez (Casanova) |
Lorenzo de Armas |
Biography Listings |
© 2002- 2012, Steve Gibson, Bexar Genealogy, All Rights Reserved
Thank you for your interest in Bexar Genealogy. This website is dedicated to helping people find their family roots and learn the history of the early days of San Antonio and Texas. Your contribution of your family information is greatly appreciated, however you can contribute in another way, through your financial support.
Through the generosity of donors like you, Bexar Genealogy can continue to share the rich family histories that have made San Antonio the great city that it is.
Your online submission to Bexar Genealogy is secure and private. The data gathered from your family information is not and will not be shared with any other organizations.
Message from Steve Gibson;
I have spent many years and countless hours developing this website and maintaining my database on the old families of San Antonio. I share this information with anyone who is interested or has a family tie. If what I have published is of benefit to you in your search of your family roots and history, I would welcome any donations. It will help maintain this website at the high standard I wish to keep for Bexar Genealogy.